Image of the Week

Image of the Week
Image of the Week: Set still from 'The Last Supper', actor sitting behind light scrim.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Ol' Swimmin' Hole

New Brighton Pool, Vancouver

Got back to the pool the other day. The beauty of where I live here on the west coast never ceases to amaze me. This trip I remembered to take my small camera with me and capture the view from the pool deck. Flippin' awesome!

As far as my swimming capabilities go, let's just hope I'm not on a sinking ship any time soon...

Dig the kid in the red shirt fleeing the scene!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Half way to 90

Turned 45 years of age on the 12th. So much to do. So much up in the air. Taking stock of things and people in my life as well as things and people who've become part of my past. Goals achieved, goals to be reached. Becoming the person I aspire to be. Loved and lost, definitely worth the price of admission. Looking ahead to things that will be, people who will come into my life. When I meet people I sometimes find myself wondering how long they'll be part of my life.

It's been quite interesting watching my shooting style evolve into what it is now. It really has shaped into a reflection of who I am.

Further updates as events warrant...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vic's Deck

I visit my brother Ted and his room mate Vic from time to time, usually when I've been invited over for dinner. Quite the eclectic pair indeed. It's always an experience & a pleasure to head over for a beverage and a good dose of second-hand smoke.

The other day I thought I'd bring over my camera and shoot some of the nic-nacs that Vic places in and about his flowers and plants. These are a few of the images I made that evening.